Throughout All Our Journeys

Week Seven | Week Fifty-Two 2.19.22

I fully believe God uses creation to whisper His love-language over us. After all, He is the Creator.

On Sunday, January 31, 2021, my beloved father-in-law had to be placed on life support due to Covid pneumonia. The shock and devastation our family felt led me to one of the most desperate reaches I’ve ever made for God-to-make-sense.

But more often than not, the One who knows all things doesn’t offer a clear explanation for our distress. Rather, He invites us into the mystery of nearness - as He tenderly walks and talks with us through the dark wilderness.

The person of God ~ Jesus Christ ~ becomes our personal Friend.

Just like He did for the Israelites when they fled over 400 years of slavery, wandering through the desert for 40 years, experiencing the unfailing, unmistakable presence of God every step of the way.

“The cloud of the Lord hovered … during the day, and at night fire glowed inside the cloud so the whole family of Israel could see it. This continued throughout all their journeys.” ‭‭Exodus‬ ‭40:38‬

God gives God.

Because the glory of God rests not in answering our deepest questions. The glory of God comes through His divine and mysterious provision, right in the middle of our most distressed places.

On Sunday, January 31st, I walked and walked searching for Him as my heart sank deep in sadness. He lifted my eyes to a cloud, where the Sun was breaking through. And it felt so very personal. So very hopeful.

On Tuesday, February 16th, I cried and cried searching for Him, this time as I said a final earthy goodbye to our beloved. 

And I found out later, Glory showed up, in a cloud ~ where the Sun was breaking through. It felt like maybe it was a moment just for me (though it clearly wasn’t), reorienting my heart back toward the unsearchable riches of Hope himself.

Indeed, He is personal to us.

Indeed, He will provide for us.

Indeed, He will pulse through us...and through His wonder-full creation.

God with us, 

throughout all our journeys.

May we never stop looking for Him, even and especially when we don’t understand Him.


As You Have Promised


For the Light